Книги автора:
The story of the Great match for the FIDE World Champion Title between V.Anand and V.Topalov in Sofia 2010. The 12 Games with detailed annotations.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is considered by many to be the strongest chess player the world has ever seen.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is the strongest female player in the world, ranked 8th on the man's 2005 rating list.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review was called by the ex world champion Euwe "the greatest chess phenomenon of all time".
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is Vladimir Kramnik.
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Гукеш Доммараджу. Из вундеркиндов в чемпионы. 70 шахматных партий наследника Ананда
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