Книги автора:
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«НАСТОЯЩИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (ИНФОРМАЦИЯ) ПРОИЗВЕДЕН, РАСПРОСТРАНЕН И (ИЛИ) НАПРАВЛЕН Каспаров Гарри Кимович ЯВЛЯЮЩИМСЯ (УЧРЕДИТЕЛЕМ, ЧЛЕНОМ, УЧАСТНИКОМ, РУКОВОДИТЕЛЕМ ИЛИ ЛИЦОМ, ВХОДЯЩИМ В СОСТАВ ОРГАНА ЛИЦ, УКАЗАННЫХ в ч. 4 ст. 9 ФЗ «О КОНТРОЛЕ ЗА ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬЮ ЛИЦ, НАХОДЯЩИХСЯ ПОД ИНОСТРАННЫМ ВЛИЯНИЕМ»), ВКЛЮЧЕННОГО В РЕЕСТР ИНОСТРАННЫХ АГЕНТОВ»1. A. Karpov. The Ninth vertical 1979, 320 p.2. G. K. Kasparov. Two matches. Match and rematch for the world championship. 1987, 256 p.3. Yu. L. Averbakh, M. E. Taimanov. World championship match Karpov - Kasparov 1986, 240 p.4. Garry Kasparov. Unlimited duel. 1989. 192 p.6 cm-height21, 5 cm-length -
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На самом деле партий гораздо больше - почти во всех 50 мини-рассказах присутствуют дополнительные примеры. Взгляд на дебютную теорию в разрезе времен и вкусов чемпионов.
2111.20 руб.
Author(s): A. KarpovPublished by Russian Chess HouseYear of issue: 2020Language: EnglishSize: BigPages: 136Binding: HardbackCoated paper. Color illustration.Chess is a Royal game that will be taught to you by the chess king - multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov.You will learn about the mores and habits of the figures, learn how to attack vigorously and defend coolly.You will learn a lot of tricks and traps that can be set to careless opponents and, just as importantly,learn how to avoid them yourself.As you travel through the pages of this book, you will be prepared for your first chess battle with the help ofa great chess player - against your mom or dad, friend or computer, on the Internet or in a competition.The book will allow your child to easily learn the rules of the game, help him win not only in chess, but also in life.After all, chess develops perseverance, logical thinking and memory, and teaches you to use time efficiently.According to this textbook, teachers, coaches or parents with even minimal chess training will be able to teachchildren the basics of the wise game.The book is colorfully designed and will be a great gift to anyone who wants to learn the ancient and wise game. -
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The Panov Botvinnik attack has a uniquely important place in chess lore. After Capablanca adopted the Caro Kann, it assumed a status as the solid way for Black to escape attacking efforts of e4 players. No more gambits or attacks, just simple solid play in the center. This was the last nail in the coffin of the "Romantic" age of chess.
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