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1806.58 руб.
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1806.58 руб.
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1806.58 руб.
Годовой комплект. 52 номера Гл. ред. Нейштадт За комплект в твердом переплете на 400 р. дороже
1806.58 руб.
годовой комплект 12 номеров Гл. ред. Авербах Комплект в твердом переплете на 400 р. дороже
1806.58 руб.
Годовой комплект 52 номера Гл.ред. Петросян За комплект в твердом переплете на 400 р. дороже
1780.78 руб.
годовой комплект. 12 номеров. Глав. ред. Ю. Авербах При наличии в твердом переплете доплата 400 р. за комплект
1780.78 руб.
годовой комплект. 12 номеров. Глав. ред. Ю. Авербах При наличии в твердом переплете доплата 400 р. за комплект
1780.78 руб.
NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. Sosonko&s Corner The game Smeets-Pavasovic from the Grandmaster C Group of the 2004 CORUS Chess Tournament brought Sosonko back to his childhood days in Leningrad. The teachers at the Pioneer Palace there would never have approved of the moves these young grandmasters were playing: g2-g4 for White and especially Bf8-d6, putting the bishop in front of the queen&s pawn. Sosonko calls it Fidel&s Attack. Read why! Book Review The publication of the third edition of John Watson&s classic "Play the French" and a trilogy on the same opening by Lev Psakhis, whose books are always worth a detour, are an excellent starting point for Glenn Flear to dedicate his review column to. And Sakaev&s Queen&s Gambit Accepted monograph is the ideal finale. According to Flear it is an ideal practical book for those wanting to learn about this opening. Quality comes at a price! 33 NIC Surveys Yearbook 70 Sicilian: Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5, by Van der Tak Sicilian: Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5, by Karolyi Sicilian: Najdorf Variation 6.Bc4, by Golubev Sicilian: Velimirovic Attack 8.Qe2, by Bosch Sicilian: Alapin Variation 2.c3 e6, by Tzermiadianos Pirc: Austrian Attack 4.f4, by Van der Weide King’s Fianchetto: 3.Nf3, by Fogarasi French: Steinitz Variation 4.e5, by Fogarasi French: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Glek French: Winawer Variation 7.Qg4 0-0, by Almasi Caro-Kann: Advance Variation 4.Be3, by Bosch Scandinavian: Gubnitsky-Pytel Variation 3...Qd6, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: Neo-Steinitz Variation 5...Bg4, by Van der Tak Ruy Lopez: Neo-Arkhangelsk Variation 6...Bc5, by Inarkiev Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Variation 8.h3, by Lukacs/Hazai Italian: Evans Gambit 4.b4, by De Zeeuw Scotch: Steinitz Variation 4....Qh4, by Pliester Two Knights: Traxler Gambit 5.Nf7, by Pastore/Montcaubeig/Da Costa jr English Defence: 1...e6 and 2...b6, by Van der Stricht Budapest Gambit: Fajarowicz Gambit 3...Ne4, by Gutman Queen’s Gambit Declined: Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4, by Ilic Slav: Exchange Variation 6...a6, by Langeweg Slav: Botvinnik Variation 12...Qc7, by Shabalov Queen’s Gambit Accepted: Two Knights Variation 4...c5, by Karolyi Catalan: Open Variation 6...dc4, by Vladimirov Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein Variation 8...Ba5, by Lukacs/Hazai Nimzo-Indian: Classical Variation 4.Qc2, by Stohl Queen’s Indian: Nimzowitsch Variation 5.Qa4, by Timoshenko King’s Indian: Fianchetto Variation 8.Qd3, by Lukacs/Hazai Dutch: Leningrad Variation 7...Nc6, by Jensen English: Symmetrical Variation 4.e4, by Vilela English: Anti-Grьnfeld Variation 4.Qa4, by Fogarasi Rйti: A White Benoni 8...d4, by Panczyk/Ilczuk
1780.78 руб.
NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by John Watson, Jacob Aagaard, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner Yasser Seirawan believes 1.e4 is "obviously the most aggressive move", but Evgeny Sveshnikov takes it a step further. He is a man of strong opinions and labels 1.e4 as "the strongest opening move for White beyond any doubt. Sosonko describes in which of three categories (correct, semi-coorect and incorrect) young Garry Kasparov classified all openings after 1.e4 and explains why Sveshnikov stopped playing the Sveshnikov Variation. In reply to a fashionable way to circumvent his latest love (4...e5!) Sveshnikov has developed a new gambit. Read all about it. Book Review The word "repertoire" is widely used, but not always explained. So for that matter is the term "World Champion", but that&s another story. In his column Glenn Flear reviews Khalifman&s two books on the repertoire of Vishy Anand (1.e4) and gives it "thumbs up". He asked a GM-friend to have a look at them and give his opinion. His reaction: "I don&t buy chess books any more, but I&ll make an exception for these two! Plus Konstantin Sakaev&s book on How to Get the Edge Against the Gruenfeld. 33 NIC Surveys Yearbook 71 Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5, by Van der Tak Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 e5, by Lukacs/Hazai Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Golubev/Aagaard Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Anka Sicilian Defence: Sveshnikov Variation 10...f5, by Nikitin Sicilian Defence: Taimanov Variation 6.Be3, 7.Qd2, by Fogarasi Sicilian Defence: Paulsen Variation 5.Nc3 b5 6.Bd3, by Van der Wiel Pirc Defence: Austrian Attack 4.f4, by Tzermiadianos French Defence: Exchange Variation 4.Nf3 Bd6, by Boersma French Defence: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Glek French Defence: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Cebalo French Defence: Winawer Variation 7.Qg4 0-0, by I.Almasi Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Lukacs/Hazai Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Greenfeld Petroff Defence: Jaenisch Variation 6...Be7, by Karolyi Ruy Lopez: New Arkhangelsk Variation 6...Bc5, by Lukacs/Hazai Italian Game: Two Knights Defence 4.d3, by Tiviakov Philidor Defence: Antoshin Variation 5...Be7, by Fogarasi Albin Counter-Gambit: 5...Nge7, by Raetsky/Chetverik Queen’s Gambit Declined: Exchange Variation 3...Be7, by Boersma Slav Defence: Krause Variation 6.Ne5, by Rogozenko Slav Defence: Meran Variation 6.Qc2, by Karolyi Tarrasch Defence: Rubinstein Variation 6.g3, by Bosch Nimzo-Indian Defence: Rubinstein Variation 4.e3, by Bosch Queen’s Indian Defence: Miles Variation 4.Bf4, by Gavrilov Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Anti-Grьnfeld 4.Bf4, by Rytshagov King’s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 7...Qe8, by Greenfeld King’s Indian Defence: Gligoric Variation 7.Be3, by Van der Weide Volga Gambit: Dlugy Variation 5.f3, by Tay Queen’s Pawn Opening: Trompowsky Variation 2.Bg5 c5, by Nijboer English Opening: Reversed Sicilian 2...c6, by Raetsky/Chetverik English Opening: Symmetrical Variation 4...d5, by Marin Rйti Opening: Markowski Variation 4.Qa4, by Dautov
1780.78 руб.
NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Josй Vilela, Bogdan Lalic, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner In several of his previous columns editor-in-chief Genna Sosonko has turned his attention to the move g2-g4, which gets ever more popular in many different opening systems. Now he wants to do the same "One Final Time". Meet the faces of Hein Donner, Alexey Shirov and David Bronstein, all members of the illustrious g2-g4 club. Book Review Reviewing The Jackal Attack, a private publication by Adrian Skelton, Glenn Flear lets his mind roam over the tendency to name off-beat openings after animals. His conclusion about the book: fun variations but skimpy contents. The difference with the other two books under review could not be much bigger. The Two Knights Defence by Jan Pinski and The Catalan by Alex Raetsky and Maxim Chetverik are both serious monographs, be it on totally different openings. The former highly tactical, the latter more with a strategic flavour. 35 NIC Surveys Yearbook 72 Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Golubev/Aagaard Sicilian Defence: Dragon Variation 9.Bc4, by Anka Sicilian Defence: Accelerated Dragon 5.c4, by Tiviakov Sicilian Defence: Hyper-Accelerated Dragon 2...g6, by Van der Tak Sicilian Defence: Nimzowitsch Variation 2...Nf6, by Van der Weide Pirc Defence: Austrian Attack 4.f4, by Tzermiadianos French Defence: Advance Variation 3.e5, by Matamoros French Defence: MacCutcheon Variation 4...Bb4, by Glek French Defence: Tarrasch Variation 4...Ne4, by Karolyi Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Da Costa Junior Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation 4...Bf5, by Dautov Alekhine Defence: Modern Variation 4...g6, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Ruy Lopez: Exchange Variation 4.Bc6, by Glek Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Variation 8.h3, by Lukacs/Hazai Two Knights Defence: Max Lange Attack 9...g6, by Van der Tak King&s Gambit: Classical Variation 3...g5 , by Jensen Various Openings: Benoni Hybrid Ne7, by Vilela Queen&s Gambit Declined: Tartakower Variation 7...b6, by Langeweg Queen&s Gambit Declined: Exchange Variation 3...Be7, by Boersma Slav Defence: Chameleon Variation 5.c5, by Lukacs/Hazai Slav Defence: Marshall Gambit 4.e4, by Van der Tak Tarrasch Defence: Rubinstein Variation 6.g3, by Wiersma Catalan Opening: Bogo-Indian Variation 4...Bb4, by Greenfeld Nimzo-Indian Defence: Classical Variation 4.Qc2, by Lukacs/Hazai Nimzo-Indian Defence: Vienna Variation 6.Qa4, by Rogozenko Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 7.Bc4, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation 6.Qb3, by Pelletier/Bauer King&s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 7...Qe8, by Greenfeld King&s Indian Defence: Classical Variation 6...Nc6, by Gavrilov Volga Gambit: Declined 4.Nf3, by Fogarasi Dutch Defence: Leningrad Variation 7...Qe8, by Van der Stricht Dutch Defence: Bogoljobow&s 2.Bg5, by Pliester English Opening: Reversed Dragon Nb1-d2, by Stohl English Opening: Symmetrical Variation 5.a3, by Dautov Rйti Opening: Double Fianchetto, by Fogarasi
1780.78 руб.
NIC Forum Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Both (grand)masters and club players shed their light on new opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Alon Greenfeld, Baadur Jobava, and many others. Sosonko&s Corner This column is an hommage to Oleg Mikhailovich Romanishin. Sacrificing a pawn in the opening to get active play has always been a hallmark of his style. Sosonko depicts the Ukranian genius as one of the leading lights in modern chess research. Of late the results of the 52-year-old Romanishin may have been relatively modest, but this riveting and original grandmaster remains capable of bringing down even the strongest opponent, as Vasily Ivanchuk found out to his detriment at the 2004 Ukrainian championship. Book Review Due to the overflow of information these days, authors of opening books have to make dictinct choices and draw the line somewhere (which variations should be covered, which ignored?) and some of them seem better than others at this fundamental task. Glenn Flear had a look at monographs by Nigel Davies and the Polish duo Panczyk & Ilczuk. Guest-author Sergey Tiviakov reviews three recent publications on the Sicilian Najdorf Variation, revealing on the way that he has not read opening books for a long time. 34 NIC Surveys Yearbook 73 Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation, by Boersma Sicilian Defence: Sozin Variation, by Golubev Sicilian Defence: Four Knights Variation, by Karolyi Sicilian Defence: Basman-Sale Variation, by Sale Sicilian Defence: Closed Variation, by Van der Weide Sicilian Defence: Alapin Variation, by Rogozenko Sicilian Defence: Bezgodov Variation, by Bezgodov Pirc Defence: The 150 Attack, by Marin French Defence: Winawer Variation, by Van der Tak Caro-Kann Defence: Advance Variation, by Fogarasi Caro-Kann Defence: Smyslov Variation, by Galkin Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation, by Llanos/Soppe Alekhine Defence: Modern Variation, by Panczyk/Ilczuk Ruy Lopez: Jaenisch Variation, by Van der Tak Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Ruy Lopez: Marshall Attack, by Naiditsch Ruy Lopez: Open Variation, by Timoshenko Italian Opening: Evans Gambit, by De Zeeuw Two Knights Defence: Bogoljubow Variation, by Van der Tak Budapest Gambit, by Pliester Slav: 3.Nf3 dc4, by Nikitin Slav: Chameleon Variation, by Lukacs/Hazai Slav: Alapin Variation, by Karolyi Catalan: Bogo-Indian Variation, by Greenfeld Catalan: Accepted – 4...dc4, by Anka Nimzo-Indian Defence: Classical Variation, by Tiviakov Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Fianchetto Variation, by Karolyi Grьnfeld Indian Defence: Exchange Variation, by Pelletier/Bauer King’s Indian Defence: Classical Variation, by Morgado King’s Indian Defence: Anti-Anti-Grьnfeld, by Lukacs/Hazai Benoni: Fianchetto Variation, by Kapengut Volga Gambit Declined, by Fogarasi Dutch Defence: Leningrad Variation, by Van der Stricht English Opening: Anti-Grьnfeld Line, by Marin Related products
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