Книги 1991-2023 гг
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463.68 руб.
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An analysis of the Dragon variations with 6.g3, 6.f4, 6.Bg5 and other minor lines. GM Kosanovic bases his coverage around 54 annotated games to illustrate both sides' possibilities. This is a Yugoslav publication with a clear layout but entertainingly broken English
1548.51 руб.
TACTICS, TRICKS AND TRAPS! For casual players and club players. Every chess player loves to win early in the game with a deadly combination or a cunning trap. On the other hand, nobody wants to be tricked by his opponent before the game has really started. The chess opening is a minefield. The popular series Tactics in the Chess Opening teaches casual players and club players how to recognize opportunities to attack early in the game. You will also learn how to avoid standard pitfalls in the opening. This book explains, in more than 230 carefully selected and annotated games, all the tactical themes and typical traps of the main lines in: -- the French Defence -- the Caro-Kann -- the Pirc -- the Scandinavian Defence. After studying these brilliant surprise attacks, or just enjoying them, the adventurous chess player will win more games.
1548.51 руб.
TACTICS, TRICKS AND TRAPS! For casual players and club players. Every chess player loves to win early in the game with a deadly combination or a cunning trap. On the other hand, nobody wants to be tricked by his opponent before the game has really started. The chess opening is a minefield. The popular series Tactics in the Chess Opening teaches casual players and club players how to recognize opportunities to attack early in the game. You will also learn how to avoid standard pitfalls in the opening. This book explains, in more than 230 carefully selected and annotated games, all the tactical themes and typical traps of the main lines in: -- the French Defence -- the Caro-Kann -- the Pirc -- the Scandinavian Defence. After studying these brilliant surprise attacks, or just enjoying them, the adventurous chess player will win more games.
1213.01 руб.
The Semi-Slav has been one of the most topical openings of the last decade, and its most critical variation is the Botvinnik System (5 Bg5 dxc4). Most of today's top grandmasters, including Kasparov, Kramnik and Shirov, have relied on it as Black, White, or both, especially in make-or-break situations. Written by IM Steffen Pedersen who achieved a GM norm at 16 and has written several highly-regarded books. Other Gambit titles: Test Your Chess, The Meran System, The Main Line French: 3 Nc3, The French: Tarrasch Variation, French: Advance and Other Lines, The Gambit Guide to the Bogo-Indian, The Gambit Guide to the Benko Gambit.
- Шахматы сувенирные деревянные.Семитей. Киргизия, СССР. 6900.00 руб.
1000 задач и примеров для шахматистов юношеских разрядов
Костров 700.00 руб. - Шахматы деревянные ручной работы 1800.00 руб.
Шахматная тактика для будущих чемпионов
Полгар 1500.00 руб. -
Французская защита. Репертуар за черных.
Витюгов 2000.00 руб. - Международный шахматный турнир памяти Чигорина 1000.00 руб.
Староиндийская защита. От системы Авербаха до системы Петросяна
Полугаевский 1000.00 руб. -
Бобби Фишер учит играть в шахматы (Твердый переплёт)
Фишер 450.00 руб. -
Комбинационное искусство в шахматах
Блох 700.00 руб. -
2452 шахматные комбинации
Гипслис 1200.00 руб.