Книги 1991-2023 гг
- Сортировка:
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537.69 руб.
О жизненном и творческом пути выдающегося гроссмейстера, претендента на мировое первенство Ефима Боголюбова. “Судьбa грoссмeйстeрa Eфимa Бoгoлюбoвa (1889-1952) былa нeпрoстoй. Двукрaтный чeмпиoн СССР, oн в 1925 гoду нa пeрвoм мeждунaрoднoм турнирe в Мoсквe oстaвил пoзaди Эм. Лaскeрa и X.-Р. Кaпaблaнку. В 1926 г. лишён сoвeтскoгo грaждaнствa и дo кoнцa свoиx днeй прoживaл в Гeрмaнии. Пoбeдитeль и призёр мнoгиx турнирoв, чeмпиoн ФИДE - двaжды oспaривaл звaниe чeмпиoнa мирa в мaтчax с A.Aлexиным…”. Извeстнo, чтo дo мoнoгрaфий В.Чaрушинa никaкиx сeрьёзныx исслeдoвaний твoрчeствa этиx выдaющиxся шaxмaтистoв в нaшeй стрaнe нe прoвoдилoсь, видимo, пo идeoлoгичeским сooбрaжeниям. Множество прокомментированных партий.
Book DescriptionPaul Morphy: Pride and Sorrow Chess is the only full-length biography of Paul Morphy, in the pre-war chess prodigy who launched United States participation in international chess and is still usually recognized as the greatest American chess player of all time.
3500.00 руб.
Все партии Кереса (почти 2000!), единичные - с примечаниями. Таблицы, фото, 480 стр. большого формата.
Pod koniec 1992 roku ukazał się drugi tom. Do współpracy udało się nawet wciągnąć znanego arcymistrza z byłego NRD Wolfganga Uhlmanna, który opracował ostry wariant w obronie królewsko-indyjskiej po posunięciach 1.d4 Sf6 2.c4 g6 3.Sc3 Gg7 4.e4 d6 5.Sf3 0-0 6.Ge2 e5 7.0-0 Sc6 8.d5 Se7 9.Sd2
1290.43 руб.
Grandmaster Mark Taimanov is one of the most consistently successful players of the post-war era. A grandmaster since 1952, he twice qualified as a Candidate for the World Championship and his numerous tournament victories include the Soviet Championship in 1956 and the World Veterans' Championship in 1993. Taimanov has made many significant contributions to opening theory and is the author of numerous openings books. In this highly instructive book, translated by Ken Neat, Taimanov presents an annotated selection of the best games from his long and illustrious career. This title contains 60 deeply annotated games and reveals Taimanov's personal approach to chess. The games are grouped by strategical motif to maximize instructional value.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is considered by many to be the strongest chess player the world has ever seen.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review is the strongest female player in the world, ranked 8th on the man's 2005 rating list.
This book contains 50 chess diagrams, each showing a critical position in which a very strong move follows. You can also take part in the interesting chess fights by trying to find the moves in question. The game itself is shown on the page after the diagram. And the chess great whose games you can review was called by the ex world champion Euwe "the greatest chess phenomenon of all time".
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Концерт для скрипки с оркестром
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Защита Каро-Канн. Классическая система
Карпов 740.00 руб. - Деревянные шахматные фигуры Стаунтон 4 с деревянной доской 40 см 3690.00 руб.
- Дубровник-Загреб - любимые шахматы Бобби Фишера с деревянной доской. 4770.00 руб.
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