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1131.00 руб.
2 Russian Chess Programs. Chess in the lens of Boris Dolmatovsky. 64 Moscow open chess blitz championship Published: Moscow Binding: Soft Language: Russian Size: 29,5 x 21 cmArt PK4
2111.20 руб.
Set of two tutorials by V. Golenischev for skilled chess players1. Training program for chess players of 1 categoryISBN: 978-5-94693-629-3Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): GolenischevLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 248Binding: HardcoverSeries: Chess UniversityYear of issue: 20172. Training program for master of sports candidatesISBN: 978-5-94693-630-9Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): GolenischevLanguage: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 240Binding: HardcoverYear of issue: 2017This book is equally an excellent textbook for independent work, and a valuable teaching tool for coaches and teachers of chess. Many experts even believe that nothing better in this way is still not created. As a training program for chess players, it was developed by honored coach of the USSR, master of sports of the USSR Victor Golenishchev. V. Golenishchev's programs (IV-III categories, II category, I category and candidate master) still retain great methodological value and are successfully used in chess pedagogy. It is noteworthy that this technique is extremely popular not only among our coaches, but also among foreign specialists. This edition of this classic book is supplemented by examples from the works of the best chess players of recent years and reflects modern views on chess. Under the General edition of the multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov
2262.00 руб.
The set of 2 chess books by Valery Ivanov:1. Problemist's Diary. ChessPublisher: Russian Chess HouseYear of issue: 2019Language: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 424Binding: Hardcover This collection includes 868 tasks: author 849 (12 of them are co-authored, plus 4 versions) and 19 tasks by different authors (3 of them in the notation) for the section "Articles, notes...". The problems are commented in detail, and for a clearer idea of the chess composition, the collection includes a section "Dictionary of terms". In the section "Articles, notes..." the author offers a number of interesting ideas for a small genre, some of them have already been adopted by other problemists and recorded in the judicial reports.The collection is designed for a wide range of chess and Shah fans-Mat composition.Circulation 100 copies.2. CoauthorYear of issue: 2018Language: RussianFormat: NormalPages: 224Binding: HardcoverThis collection contains almost all (364) tasks of the author compiled in co-authorship with 108(!) the problemists, and also included are 34 tasks of the author from the personal files and 6 charts with scanographies objectives I. Chepy and Yuri Fokin of the anniversary dates.The collection contains a lot of useful and interesting information:– photos, dates of birth, rating of co-authors;– historical information;– in a concise and simple form explains the concepts and terms on individual issues of chess composition;– the author shares his experience by opening the "door" of his creative laboratory.The collection is designed for a wide range of fans of chess and chess composition.Circulation 100 copies.
2035.80 руб.
Author: Y. PrizantTitle: Radar. Compilation of Chess CombinationsPublished: Moscow 2016Binding: HardcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 150Welcome to the magical world of chess combinations! With the help of exercises on the system "radar", which the reader will find in the book, perfectly trained the main components of the strength of the game of chess - combination vision and calculation options. Jaroslav Prizant - international master and an experienced coach in 2014, was prepared by the champion of Russia, Europe and the World to 8 years Ilya Makoveev. His training channel "Yar Sanych" on YouTube is one of the most popular among chess players of all ages. The book is intended for chess players of a wide audienceAuthor: K. ChernyshovTitle: Secrets of Chess Board Vision and Variations CalculationPublished: Moscow 2017Binding: HardcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 294The book of the famous grandmaster and experienced coach Konstantin Chernyshov is a new, effective method of development of calculation options, vision boards and concentration. Three levels of difficulty are aimed at a wide range of readers: both chess fans and professional athletes.Advice and recommendations will also be useful for parents whose children are engaged in chess.If You are looking for ways to expand Your abilities, this book is for You!
3770.00 руб.
1. Encyclopedia Modern chess opening. Semi-Open Games Encyclopedia: Modern chess opening. Semi-Open Games.Editor Nikolay KalinichenkoLanguage of publication English, Russian, German, French, SpanishNumber of pages 340 Year of issue 1996ISBN 5-89437-003-5Format: 240x175x15 mmThe type of cover: Softback Illustrations: Black-and-whitePublishers Moscow. Planeta-Press, Weight g 532Encyclopedia "Modern chess debut" gives a complete picture of the state of half-open openings in the 90s. 2. Encyclopedia Modern chess opening Sicilian DefenceEncyclopedia: Modern chess opening. Sicilian Defence.Editor Nikolay KalinichenkoLanguage of publication English, Russian, German, French, SpanishNumber of pages 704Year of issue 1996ISBN 5-89437-002-7Format: 240x175x30 mmThe type of cover: SoftbackIllustrations: Black-and-whitePublishers Moscow. Planeta-Press, Weight g 1028In the proposed encyclopedia "Modern chess debut" just an attempt to give a complete picture of the state of Sicilian Defence openings in the 90s.
1885.00 руб.
Author: L. YudasinTitle: The Millennial Chess MythPublished: Moscow 2019Binding: HardcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 608Garry Kasparov's Preface. Color illustrations on coated paper.What is the future of computer chess? Fading and gradual departure from the scene or progress and a new flourishing? The answers to these and many other questions are given by an unusual book of grandmaster L. Yudasin, which deals not only with the history and development of chess, but also about the mystery of the human mind, the mysterious multi-connection of the world of culture, the fate of mankind. The many faces of "the Millennial myth of chess" - a kind of encyclopedia libemail millions of games and spiritual experience integrated into the course of human progress.Author: N. WeizmanTitle: From Self-Control to VictoryPublished: Moscow 2019Binding: SoftcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 144In the book of Professor Weizman N. P. for the first time in the popular science form justified the problem of medical and psychological control in chess. It describes the altered States of consciousness leading to the loss of a seemingly won position and game, as well as other paradoxes of the chess game. Fixed maladaptive and neurotic reactions of players, cardiovascular disorders, as the pathology of mental workers. Electrophysiological studies of the brain during the game, the influence of doping and hypnosis in chess sports are considered. Given psychohygienic and therapeutic recommendations. Discussing other chess issues with the medico-psychological positions. The book will be of interest not only to qualified chess players, coaches, judges, teachers of chess at school, organizers of competitions, sports doctors and psychologists, but also to parents of children involved in chess sports, as well as a wide range of chess fans.We can combine shipping if you are ordering multiple items!
1658.80 руб.
Moscow Tal’s Rapid Chess Memorial: August 17-30 2008 Moscow Tal’s Rapid Chess Memorial: August 17-30 2009 Size: brochure – approx. 20x20 cm summary table – 16x16 cmАрт ЕК 9
3770.00 руб.
Publisher: Russian Chess HouseAuthor(s): Ilyumzhinov, KimLanguage: RussianFormat: normalVolume: 272, 264Binding: HardbackDate: 2007, 20021. World chess Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk. K. Ilyumzhinov, N. Kim. Official edition of the world chess Cup 2005! All games of the tournament under one cover! The brightest episodes of the fight, the best photos, the most interesting moments of the behind-the-scenes life of the tournament! This book tells about the world chess Cup 2005 in Khanty-Mansiysk. In it you will find chess games of the Cup, as well as the most vivid episodes of the struggle, photos of the participants and the most interesting moments of the behind-the-scenes life of the tournament.2. The Kremlin's debut.World championship 2001-2002. K. N. Ilyumzhinov, N. Kim President of FIDE and the Republic of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and journalist Nikita Kim present the official edition of the world chess championship 2001 -2002 in Moscow. The book contains all the games of the tournament, the best of which are commented by world champion Ruslan Ponomarev, Vice-world champion Vasily Ivanchuk, Vice-world champion Alexandra Kostenyuk, grandmasters-participants of the championship. And also: the most striking episodes of the struggle, interviews with the grandmasters, the best photographs, detailed statistics. The book is designed for a wide range of chess fans.
980.20 руб.
Size: 22.5x11.5 cmArt PK5
1885.00 руб.
Title: Shach ForumPublished: Sait-Petersburg 1992-93Binding: SoftcoverLanguage: Issue 2 - Russian, Issue 3 - EnglishPages: 280, 238We can combine shipping if you are ordering multiple items!
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Комплект из двух книг. Документы и материалы кануна Второй мировой войны. 1937-1939 гг., 1071.00 руб.
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