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20735.00 руб.
3 Vintage Soviet Chess Postcards dedicated to the International Chess Championship in Moscow 1936. USSR’s Chess Postcards. Year of publishing: 1936 Size: 15x10 cm Painter Mikhailov V.V.Art PK4
1508.00 руб.
Chess PracticumDavid GurgenidzeTbilisi 2016Pages: 64Soft coverLanguage: Georgian, English1. Chess Exercises2. The Secrets of Endgames3. Your MoveArt MN
678.60 руб.
3 envelopes dedicated to Soviet Chess Tournaments: 1. The International Chess Tournament of Grandmasters in Correspondence Chess. Vilnius 1988 2. The World Chess Championship Match among Men. Moscow 1985 3. The European Team Chess Championship. Moscow 1977 Size: approx. 16x11.5 cmart pk5
2035.80 руб.
Size: approx. 16.5x9 cmАрт пк1
2639.00 руб.
3 invitations from Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, FIDE President Alexander Roshal Alexander Borisovich Roshal (1936 2007) was a Soviet chess master and journalist, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the magazine «64»PK6
1885.00 руб.
Author: Yakov NeistadtTitle: Chess Before SteinitsPublished: Russian Chess House, 2016Binding: HardcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 280Reissue of the classic brilliant book of the Patriarch of the national chess literature of the master Ya. I. Neystadt, which has long become a bibliographic rarity. First of all, the author is interested in the struggle of the ideas of the great chess players of the past. Based on rich chess material the reader gets acquainted with the creative portraits of the uncrowned Champions of the world - Philidor, Reburdone, of Staunton, Andersen, Morphy, their supporters and opponents. To understand the present, you need to know the past. Of course, after reading this book, You will become a better understanding of chess, learn a lot of ideas and strengthen Your game.Author: Y. Chernyaev Title: Pillsbury's Lessons. Genius that Ouran the TimePublished: Moscow, 2011Binding: Hardcover, SupercoverLanguage: RussianPages: 158Grandmaster Alexander Chernyaev is the author of several chess books published in the UK, where he lives in recent years. All of them were highly appreciated by the press, now re-publications are being prepared. This monograph, dedicated to one of the most brilliant players in the history of chess, the virtuoso blind Harry Nelson Pilsbury, fills an unfortunate gap in our chess literature. surprisingly, this is the first full-fledged work about the work of Pilsbury in Russian! The book contains 60 of the best parties of the American genius, commented by the author with the help of the most modern computer programs. In short, we have a great tutorial for everyone who wants to improveAuthor: Hans KmochTitle: Chess School of Akiba RubinsteinPublished: Moscow, 2018Binding: SoftcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 86The brilliant Polish grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein made a significant contribution to the development of chess art. The principles of the positional school, proclaimed by V. Steinitz and developed in the works of Z. tarrash, achieved their ideal harmonious embodiment in the work of the "great Akiba".30 parties Rubinstein, characterized by extreme clarity and conciseness, constitute the "quintessence" of the creative achievements of the great Maestro. They are, without a doubt, an excellent school of positional play and will bring great aesthetic pleasure to chess fans.For educational purposes, the material is divided into thematic sections.We can combine shipping if you are ordering multiple items!
1885.00 руб.
Author: Yakov NeistadtTitle: Chess Before SteinitsPublished: Russian Chess House, 2016Binding: HardcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 280Reissue of the classic brilliant book of the Patriarch of the national chess literature of the master Ya. I. Neystadt, which has long become a bibliographic rarity. First of all, the author is interested in the struggle of the ideas of the great chess players of the past. Based on rich chess material the reader gets acquainted with the creative portraits of the uncrowned Champions of the world - Philidor, Reburdone, of Staunton, Andersen, Morphy, their supporters and opponents. To understand the present, you need to know the past. Of course, after reading this book, You will become a better understanding of chess, learn a lot of ideas and strengthen Your game.Author: Y. Chernyaev Title: Pillsbury's Lessons. Genius that Ouran the TimePublished: Moscow, 2011Binding: Hardcover, SupercoverLanguage: RussianPages: 158Grandmaster Alexander Chernyaev is the author of several chess books published in the UK, where he lives in recent years. All of them were highly appreciated by the press, now re-publications are being prepared. This monograph, dedicated to one of the most brilliant players in the history of chess, the virtuoso blind Harry Nelson Pilsbury, fills an unfortunate gap in our chess literature. surprisingly, this is the first full-fledged work about the work of Pilsbury in Russian! The book contains 60 of the best parties of the American genius, commented by the author with the help of the most modern computer programs. In short, we have a great tutorial for everyone who wants to improveAuthor: Hans KmochTitle: Chess School of Akiba RubinsteinPublished: Moscow, 2018Binding: SoftcoverLanguage: RussianPages: 86The brilliant Polish grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein made a significant contribution to the development of chess art. The principles of the positional school, proclaimed by V. Steinitz and developed in the works of Z. tarrash, achieved their ideal harmonious embodiment in the work of the "great Akiba".30 parties Rubinstein, characterized by extreme clarity and conciseness, constitute the "quintessence" of the creative achievements of the great Maestro. They are, without a doubt, an excellent school of positional play and will bring great aesthetic pleasure to chess fans.For educational purposes, the material is divided into thematic sections.We can combine shipping if you are ordering multiple items!
2262.00 руб.
Set of 3 Russian Photo Booklets: 1. Vasily Vasilyevich Smyslov 2. Chess During the Years of War 1941-1945 3. Chess through the lens of Boris Dolmatovsky Cond: Chess During the Years of War 1941-1945 is crumpled a littleАрт ПК 2
3393.00 руб.
Russian Chess Books:Authors: Heuer, Matsukevitch, Henkin, BarskyClassics of the chess world. Philidor, Keres, Reti.Published: Moscow, 2012Binding: HardLanguage: Russian1176 pagesCondition: Brand New Book 1Paul Keresby Walter HeuerThe book is about the life, formation and work of the great son of the Estonian people, the outstanding chess player P. Keres. The background is interesting: chess life in independent Estonia before 1940 and in Europe before and during the second world war. Interesting creative characteristics of other outstanding chess players, partners of Keres-Alekhine, Capablanca, Reshevsky, fine, Euwe. Of particular interest is the comparison of the works of the then young P. Keres and M. Botvinnik.For a wide range of chess fans.Book 2Richard Retiauthor: Anatoly MatsukevichA new book by chess master and writer Anatoly Matsukevitch is dedicated to the work of the remarkable Czechoslovak grandmaster Richard rety, an innovator and artist of the ancient game, one of those who had a major influence on the development of chess in the first third of the twentieth century. Richard rety's ideas are still modern today.For a wide range of readers.Book 3Francois Andre Philidorauthors: Viktor Henkin, Vladimir BarskyCapital work tells about the life and work of the outstanding French chess player and musician Francois Andre Danikan Philidor the founder of modern chess theory and one of the creators of the comic Opera. The materials included in the publication are of both historical and practical interest. In particular, Philidor's famous textbook "Analysis of the chess game", which has been receiving constant attention for several centuries, is being published in full in Russian for the first time. The book also contains all the surviving parts of the great master, most of which are re-commented. Fans of historical and adventure literature will be attracted by an excerpt from V. Henkin's novel "Odyssey of the chess machine", which vividly recreates the atmosphere of chess life in France and England in the second half of the XVIII century.For a wide range of chess fans.
1055.60 руб.
A set of 3 chess notebooks for chess game recording. Each notebook has a cartoon presenting different countries: Italy, Japan, Egypt Арт ек22
4524.00 руб.
Peterson vs Kots Kirpichnikov vs Shiyanovsky Peresypkin vs MartinsonArt PK5
Ненадолго. Романтическая повесть
Аманназаров 160.00 руб. - Деревянные шахматные фигуры с утяжелителем Стаунтон 5 с деревянной доской. 4680.00 руб.
- Деревянные шахматные фигуры с утяжелителем в ларце RCR Terry Nr. 535 Самшит/Палисандр (Германия) 16000.00 руб.
- Часы шахматные Garde - АРТ П-11 8000.00 руб.
Концерт для скрипки с оркестром
Дашкевич 736.64 руб. - Деревянные шахматные фигуры с утяжелителем Стаунтон 6 с деревянной доской 48 см 4950.00 руб.
Защита Каро-Канн. Классическая система
Карпов 740.00 руб. - Деревянные шахматные фигуры Стаунтон 4 с деревянной доской 40 см 3690.00 руб.
- Дубровник-Загреб - любимые шахматы Бобби Фишера с деревянной доской. 4770.00 руб.
- Шахматы с утяжелителем "Королевский Стаунтон" с деревянной доской 48 см. 4320.00 руб.