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2111.20 руб.
Full name of the book: "My Great Predecessors: The Recent history of the development of the chess game. In five volumes. Volume 5. Karpov and Korchnoi, 2nd edition, expanded and revised" Garry Kasparov is a long–term leader of world chess, the author of a number of bestsellers. The five-volume book "My Great Predecessors" was created by him in collaboration with the famous chess journalist and master Dmitry Plisetsky. This project has no analogues in chess literature: the 13th world champion tells about the fate and creativity of twelve previous champions and their rivals. The fifth volume is dedicated to the world champion Karpov and his historical rival Korchny, their dramatic duel for the chess crown. Here is the second edition, supplemented and radically revised. You will find a lot of new interesting finds, especially in the most important games of the famous match in Baguio (1978) ISBN: 978-5-94693-043-7 Author (s): Kasparov Publisher: IP Amannazarov M. A. Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Pages: 496c + 48 p. Binding: Hard Date: 2021 Art.: MN
1583.40 руб.
The internationally recognized chess genius and the only world champion who died undefeated – Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine is a national treasure of Russia. It was he who glorified the Russian chess school, which differed from other schools in its rejection of patterns and attitude to chess as a creative process, when the beauty and non-triviality of the game is put above victory. Alekhine is a phenomenon unique in the history of chess. The name of Alexander Alekhine is surrounded by mystery. The book attempts to understand the mysteries that surround the life and death of the brilliant maestro, for which materials that were not previously published in Russian were used. ISBN: 978-5-04-110450-4 Author (s): Zamlelova Publisher: Eksmo Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Pages: 222 p. Binding: Hard Date: 2021 Art.: MN
211120.00 руб.
Condition: Great Hand-painted. The height of the king is 16.2 cm . The diameter of the base is 5.2 cm. ART-19
11310.00 руб.
Chess of this model was used at the World Chess Championship match between world champion Anatoly Karpov and the winner of the competition of applicants Garry Kasparov. Condition: Good Field Length: 40x40 cm King Height: 11 cm King Diameter: 39 mm Pawn Height: 6 cm Pawn Diameter: 30 mm Art: Ebay shelf
16965.00 руб.
The mechanical chess clock is made of wood with aluminum buttons for switching moves. Two dials, two buttons for switching moves. Without restorations. ART P 5 Condition: Great Size: 18.5x7x18.3 cm
1432.60 руб.
The book by the international grandmaster Alexander Constantinople, coach David Bronstein in the match for the title of world champion in 1951, is dedicated to the work of the original chess player and the famous chess theorist Vsevolod Rauser, whose analytical developments paved the way to the opening systems that are relevant in our time. In addition to the selected parties - some of them are not found in the databases - the book, the first about Vsevolod Rauser, includes additional materials. For a wide range of chess players. ISBN: 978-5-906254-90-0 Author (s): Konstantinopolskiy Publisher: Andrew Elkow Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Pages: 232 p. Binding: Hard Date: 2022 Art.: MN
678.60 руб.
Your attention is invited to the "Chess player's Notebook" in hardcover. The publication is dedicated to the Olympiad, which never took place. ISBN: 978-5-907077-50-8 Publisher: Russian Chess Federation Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Binding: Hard Date: 2022 Art.: MN
1357.20 руб.
A new, significantly expanded edition of the famous book - 75 batches. Anatoly Karpov is the largest expert on the protection of the Caro-Cannes. He won many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the defense of Caro-Cannes. Many examples from modern practice are given. ISBN: 978-5-94693-093-2 Author (s): Karpov Publisher: Russian Chess House Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Pages: 256 p. Binding: Hard Date: 2022 Art.: MN
1583.40 руб.
Convenient magnetic chess, which is the size of a small book and will fit in any bag. Size of magnetic chess: 25.5 x 18.3 cm. The size of the playing field is 14 cm X 14 cm. The size of the cage is 1.8 cm . Figures on magnetic rubber (king 1.4 cm). The set includes a notebook for recording parties Condition: NEW Art: MN
4147.00 руб.
A complete course under the general editorship of multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov. These books are equally an excellent textbook for independent work, and a valuable methodological guide for chess coaches and teachers. Many experts even believe that nothing better of this kind has yet been created. As a training program for chess players, it was developed by Honored Coach of the USSR, Master of Sports of the USSR Viktor Golenishchev. V.Golenishchev's programs (IV-III categories, II category, I category and master candidate) still retain great methodological value and are successfully used in chess pedagogy. It is noteworthy that this technique is extremely popular not only among our trainers, but also among foreign specialists. This edition of this classic book is supplemented with examples from the work of the best chess players of recent years and reflects modern views on chess. ISBN: 979-5-94693-020-7 Author (s): Golenishchev Publisher: Russian Chess House Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Pages: 992 p. Binding: Hard Date: 2022 Art.: MN
1583.40 руб.
The author, V.A.Ivonin, has something to share with readers: he has a long life and work of a major sports worker for more than a decade, summer and winter Olympic Games, world and European championships, major international chess competitions, including world Championship matches, in which he participated as one from the organizers. ISBN: 978-5-903508-31-0 Author (s): Ivonin Publisher: Human (Chelovek) Language: Russian Condition: NEW Format: Regular Pages: 272 p. Binding: Hard Date: 2008 Art.: MN
904.80 руб.
Reprint of a large sign (4 cm x 3.5 cm) dedicated to the failed Karpov-Fischer match in 1975. The original was released in only a few signal copies (only copies from the collection of A.Karpov and the Museum of the Central School of Economics are known).
Пляж на берегу Леты Автор:
Ряшенцев 900.00 руб. -
Первые шахматные шаги Автор:
Каспаров 586.00 руб. -
Деревянные шахматные фигуры из дуба Стаунтон №6 "Табия" 4800.00 руб.
Комплект из двух книг. Документы и материалы кануна Второй мировой войны. 1937-1939 гг., 1071.00 руб.
Игровой набор 5 в 1 в чемоданчике (шахматы, шашки, нарды, домино, карты) 2100.00 руб.
Деревянные шахматные фигуры с доской турнирные 4 в очень хорошем состоянии, но Б/У 3885.00 руб.
Мои великие предшественники. Комплект из всех изданных книг. 1,2,5 Том. Автор:
Каспаров 3400.00 руб. -
Пути совершенствования Автор:
Зак 250.00 руб. -
Шахматы деревянные СССР 1950-ые 2400.00 руб.
Подарок шахматисту. Гарри Каспаров. Мой шахматный путь в 3-х томах. В подарочной упаковке. Автор:
Каспаров 3750.00 руб.