Система Колле-Колтановского
The Colle-Koltanowski System with d4, Nf3, e3, Bd3, c3, 0-0, Nbd2 is very popular among club players. White builds up a kind of „fortress“, but at the same time prepares to hand out some blows himself, e.g. the typical bishop sacrifice on h7. In other cases he can rely on the characteristic queenside pawn majority and go for the endgame. This is a book about a typical „amateur opening“, but nevertheless Bronznik refuses to go for the transfigured “Winning with“ approach. He does a very thorough research and shows that, in fact, in many lines the best moves are still untested - when many believe that in our computer age everything can be found in the omniscient databases. Fascinating are Bronznik’s analysis of the various sacrifices on the kingside (Bxh7+, Bxh6 and so on), clear and fundamental is his explanation of the positional themes. Due to the blend of basic things with advanced material this book should be useful for average players, as well as for masters. Originating from Ukraine and now living in Stuttgart (Germany), IM Valerij Bronznik is working as a chess teacher. His first book about the Chigorin Defence (published in German language in 2001) was much acclaimed. But especially in terms of teaching methods this one is even better
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