ChessBase Tutorials - Openings Vol 3 - Queens Gambit and Queens Pawn Game
Every game starts with the opening - and sometimes it also ends there! But that need not happen. With ChessBase Tutorialsy you do not need to spend a lot of time to rapidly master things. "Openings # 03: Queen's Gambit and Queen's Pawn games" (1.d4 d5) is the third in a series of five volumes dealing with the fundamentals of opening play in chess. In it, experienced tournament players and experts in each specific opening will teach you what you absolutely have to know about the Slav, the Catalan, the Classical Queen's Gambit, the Chigorin Defence, etc. Which basic plans does each side follow? How are these put into operation and for which traps do you need to be on the lookout? In 24 video lectures with a total running time of over 5 hours, grandmasters Daniel King, Igor Stohl, Lars Schandorff and IMs Sam Collins and Valeri Lilov will acquaint you with the basics of the various systems and give you valuable recommendations as to what to play. System requirements: PC Windows XP (SP3), Vista or Windows 7, Windows Media Player, DVD-drive.
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