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3128.30 руб.
In this tremendously instructive and entertaining work, John Nunn selects 125 of the finest short decisive grandmaster games of the modern era. For a grandmaster to lose a game in 25 moves or fewer takes something special, and club players can learn a great deal from studying these miniatures. Each of these games is a true battle, with the result often in doubt until near the very end of the struggle. Nunn identifies the most common causes of the errors that lead to the loser's demise, and how one can seek to take dramatic advantage of the opponent's risky or faulty play. In his thought-provoking extended introduction, he explains that in many cases, the problem was of a psychological nature: often the loser fails to accept that events have not -
1806.58 руб.
In a sequel to the hugely successful 50 Essential Chess Lessons, Steve Giddins now presents 50 games that each illustrate an important winning method. This engaging and highly readable book is a painless way to build your personal arsenal of techniques and ideas. The games are mostly from the modern era, but with a few classic examples chosen to show key themes in as clear a way as possible. In these cases, the defender may have never seen the critical idea before, and fails to react appropriately. We then move on to more complex examples where the attacker needs to overcome stiffer resistance. Giddins repeatedly shows that despite the tactical complexity of many of these battles, the fundamental concepts can be grasped by all chess-players, and will help them navigate through apparently intimidating terrain. The many topics include: * Attacking weak colour complexes * The principle of two weaknesses * Choosing the right exchanges * Devastating opening preparation * Manoeuvring in 'restraint' structures * Handling must-win situations Steve Giddins is a FIDE Master from England who has frequently contributed to the British Chess Magazine. He has gained a reputation as a writer who provides useful, no-nonsense advice on topics of genuine practical importance, drawing especially upon his familiarity with Russian chess literature and training methods. This is his fifth book for Gambit. -
1677.54 руб.
Product Description This book investigates how chess-players find good ideas. Amatzia Avni, a psychologist by profession, pursues this goal by interviewing top players and analysts. The discussion focuses on their most interesting and instructive games and compositions. Avni has been careful to allow his interviewees to convey their own thoughts, rather than direct their answers to comply with any pre-existing theories. We experience the events on the board through the vivid recollections of the player. This gives us a realistic view of each struggle and how the critical decisions were really made. Avni also presents the players with some unfamiliar positions, and records their reactions upon encountering these new situations. Once we have heard from the grandmasters, Avni discusses the essence of what was said, and provides some insights and recommendations. The interviewees include famous grandmasters such as Boris Gelfand, Ilia Smirin and Lev Psakhis. About the Author Amatzia Avni is an Israeli psychologist. He is a FIDE Master in both game and composition, an international judge of studies, a former editor of the Israeli magazine Schahmat, and a regular contributor to Chess Monthly and Kingpin. -
1677.54 руб.
Simon Williams, one of Britain's most dynamic and aggressive chess-players, has selected his favourite attacking games from the modern era, and annotated them with an infectious zeal that will inspire and instruct. He takes us inside the decision-making process, explaining how each stage in an attacking concept is formed, and shows how top players spot the signs that indicate it is time to stake everything on an all-out assault. We also get insights into the role of intuition and calculation in both attack and defence. The players featured in this entertaining collection include: * Judit Polgar * Alexei Shirov * Veselin Topalov * Viswanathan Anand * Vasily Ivanchuk * Peter Svidler * Alexander Grishchuk * Magnus Carlsen * -
1613.01 руб.
Product Description Some players seem to have an inexhaustible supply of chessboard luck. No matter what trouble they find themselves in, they somehow manage to escape. Among world champions, Lasker, Tal and Kasparov are famed for peering into the abyss but somehow making sure it is their opponents who fall. This book aims to help ordinary players, who may have little time for studying chess, to make the most of their abilities. Unlike most previous literature on chess psychology, this is no heavyweight theoretical treatise, but rather a practical guide in how to lure opponents into error - and thus create what is often called "luck." About the Author David LeMoir is an experienced chess player and writer. He twice won the championship of the West of England and was runner-up on four occasions. In 2000, he was County Champion of Norfolk. In a successful career as a business strategy consultant, he has made good use of the strategic and decision-making skills that are developed by playing chess. -
1290.43 руб.
A life-long Sozin devotee explains the subtleties of this aggressive system for White. The Sozin Attack is White’s most overtly aggressive counter to the Sicilian. White puts his bishop on c4, and often follows up with direct play against the black king. Unless Black defends with the utmost precision, the bishop’s influence often fuels a deadly attack leading to a cascade of sacrifices and a brutal king-hunt. The Sozin set-up can be employed against the Classical Sicilian, the Najdorf and even the Scheveningen. This book presents in detail the theory of the Sozin in all its forms, including the razor-sharp Velimirovic Attack. -
Английский оригинал. В книге представлены 365 заданий, разбитых по пяти уровням сложности. У всех примеров есть подсказки, которые помогут вам при необходимости почти самостоятельно решить любую позицию. Книга построена на увлекательных и поучительных примерах, выхваченных из потока современной практики.
Ever since Nimzowitsch introduced his flexible, dynamic defence to the queen's pawn, debate has raged over White's best reply. Many variations have been in and out of fashion, but one line in particular has proved an enduring weapon - the sound and solid 4 e3 line, known as the Rubinstein Variation. The 4 e3 Nimzo is extraordinarily rich in strategy. All manner of different central pawn-structures can arise, such as the blocked centre characteristic of the Hübner Variation and a variety of IQP positions. Moreover, in some lines the central tension persists well into the middlegame. The 4 e3 Nimzo provides a stern test of both players' understanding of chess, and so is an ideal choice for those who are looking to win as either colour.
Автор - известный гроссмейстер и тренер. All chess-players love to play a smooth attacking game, flowing from start to finish, and sprinkled with spectacular ideas and sacrifices. However, few can do so regularly, and for most players, their collection of failed brilliancies far outweighs their creative successes. Innate talent plays an important role, but many of the skills needed for attacking chess can be learnt by study and practice. Here, one of the world's most experienced annotators has selected 33 superb examples, and explained them in a way that strips away the mystery. We see how the decision to attack is made, and which positional factors led to that decision being justified. We observe either a gradual build-up, or a lightning-fast storm, and understand why one approach or the other was necessary. Finally, we witness the final execution of the tactical blows. To check that we have truly grasped the ideas, Franco presents us with plentiful exercises, where it is we who have to perform the heroics. Zenon Franco is a grandmaster from Paraguay who now lives in Spain. He is an experienced chess trainer, his most notable pupil being Paco Vallejo, now one of the world's top grandmasters, whom he taught from 1995 to 1999.
Состояние: книгой пользовались. Superb defensive technique is a hallmark of all great chess-players. With a few deft counterstrokes, they not only deflect what looked like an overwhelming offensive, but also expose the darker side of their opponent's build-up. Is this sheer black magic, or are these skills that ordinary players can develop? While some of the key defensive skills follow well-established principles, modern players ally this with an appreciation of chess dynamics that is a good deal more subtle. Zenon Franco provides a wide-ranging course in how to handle difficult positions, seeking not only to hold them together but to go on the counteroffensive, exploiting to the full the commitments and concessions the opponent has made to launch his attack. The methods he advocates are varied: often a countersacrifice is the key, while simplification can also employed as a subtler, but equally deadly weapon.
Джон Спилмен - один из самых успешных британских шахматистов всех времен, он известен своей креативностью и выдающимися способностями к расчету. Он чрезвычайно опытный писатель и тренер по шахматам. Его личный выбор шахматных головоломок может развлекать, тестировать и инструктировать шахматистов всех уровней.
Энциклопедия шахматных окончаний: ладейные окончания. часть 2 / Encyclopedia of Chess Endings: Rook Endings, Part Two Автор:
Matanovic 3500.00 руб. -
Высококачественные акриловые + металлические тяжелые шахматные фигуры 6500.00 руб.
Пляж на берегу Леты Автор:
Ряшенцев 900.00 руб. -
Деревянные шахматы с доской Роял 36 / Chess Kings 36 (Польша) (Wegiel) 3330.00 руб.
Клубный шахматный набор. Коричневая доска + шахматные фигуры. 3036.00 руб.
Клубный шахматный набор. Зеленая доска + шахматные фигуры. 3036.00 руб.
Шашки садовые с виниловой доской c чехлом. (90х90 см) 3053.00 руб.
Игровой набор для игры в ГО 1530.00 руб.
Первые шахматные шаги Автор:
Каспаров 586.00 руб. -
Деревянные шахматные фигуры из дуба Стаунтон №6 "Табия" 4800.00 руб.